FSSAI Order On Upload of Lab Test Reports by Manufacturers, Relabellers and Repackers

In the recent order issued by authority on 13th January 2023, FSSAI has mandated that all the manufacturers including repacker and relabeller shall upload the six-monthly lab testing reports on FoSCoS or link lab reports from the InFoLNet wherever the samples are analyzed by FSSAI notified labs.

Table of Content

  1. Why lab testing is required?
  2. What is the deadline for uploading the lab test report?
  3. Where to upload the lab test reports?
  4. Step by step guide to upload the lab test reports.
  5. Conclusion

1.Why lab testing is required?

Lab testing to be done as per ‘Condition No. 12’ under the licensing & registration rules which says, Ensure testing of relevant chemical and/or microbiological contaminants in food products in accordance with these regulations as frequently as required on the basis of historical data and risk assessment to ensure production and delivery of safe food through own or NABL accredited/FSSAI notified labs at least once in six months.

2. What is the deadline for uploading the lab test report?

The last date for uploading the lab testing report for the period April 2022 to September 2022 is 31st March 2023.

Thereafter, FBOs will be able to upload the six-monthly lab testing report on FoSCoS within one month from the closing date of respective half yearly period i.e., by 31st October for period of April to September and by 30th April for period October to March.

3.Where to upload the lab test reports?

FBOs have to upload the lab test reports on FoSCoS portal.

4.Step by step guide to upload the lab test reports.

Follow step by step guide to upload lab test reports in FoSCoS portal.

Uploading/Linking of Six-monthly Lab Testing Report by Manufacturers of Food Products (as per condition of license no. 12)

  1. Login to FoSCoS (https://foscos.fssai.gov.in) through ‘Login Businesses’ tab on the FoSCoS
  2. Click on “Upload Six Monthly Lab Testing Report” on Left Menu Panel and click on Proceed.
guide image to upload lab test report

3.After clicking on Proceed, you would get following screen.

4.When you click on “Upload Six Monthly Lab Testing Report”, you have to select the period from the dropdown for which Lab Testing report is being uploaded/linked.

5.List of Products endorsed on your license will be displayed. Select the appropriate product for ‘Uploading / Linking of Report’. Below Pop-up window will be

a)If FBO wants to upload lab report manually [in case, FBO has not got its food product tested through FSSAI Notified Lab], he/she can click on Choose File and upload the report:

b.) In case FBO has got its food product tested through FSSAI Notified Lab and want to fetch the lab report from INFOLNET (https://infolnet.fssai.gov.in/) , he/she can click on Get Sample Report

get the sample report

FBO need to enter sample report no. (from INFOLNET)

And verify through the OTP sent on mobile number or Email id [as provided to the Lab Official while submitting sample to the FSSAI Notified Lab]


FSSAI has given this mandate to bring in transparency and ease out the process of filing the Annual Returns by Food Business Operators at the end of the financial year. Manufacturers including Relabellers and Re-packers will be benefitted from this order. 

Source: FSSAI

Pic Credit: FSSAI


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