You are currently viewing FSSAI Operationalises Licensing and Registration of Food Business Amendment Regulation

FSSAI Operationalises Licensing and Registration of Food Business Amendment Regulation

The Food Business Operators shall follow Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) revised regulations. The enforcement of these regulations shall commence only after the final regulations are notified in the Gazette of India, except the amendment in sub-regulation 2.1.9 which shall come into force with immediate effect.

In the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as said regulations) in regulation 2.1,

(1) In sub-regulation 2.1.9, in the proviso, the words “equivalent to one-year license fee”, shall be

substituted with words “of Rs.1000 along with the differential amount of annual fee in case of up-gradation of license.

(2) After sub-regulation 2.1.16, following sub-regulations shall be inserted, namely: –

2.1.17: Fee and other charges

2.1.18: Testing

2.1.19: Inspection and Audit

2.1.20 Food Safety Supervisor

2.1.21 Scheme for Facilitators

Read detailed notice using the below link.





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