You are currently viewing CDSCO Relaxes Norms Regarding Submission of Notarized/Apostilled Docs for Drug & Cosmetic Import Registration

CDSCO Relaxes Norms Regarding Submission of Notarized/Apostilled Docs for Drug & Cosmetic Import Registration

CDSCO has relaxed norms regarding submission of a notary, apostilled and embassy attestation of regulatory documents such as Power of Attorney, Manufacturing license, GMP Certificate, COPP Certificate etc. for Drug and Cosmetics Import registration required under Drug and Cosmetics Act,1940 after receiving various representation from industry stakeholders who are facing difficulty in getting these documents from concerned authorities due to lockdown because of COVID-19 pandemic.

As a temporary measure, it has been decided applicant can submit import registration application along with self-attested documents and an undertaking that the applicant will submit the notarized /apostilled documents obtaining the same from the concerned authority after the resumption of normal services.

However, all the applications will be processed and scrutinized in the usual manner and upon found satisfactory, import registration will be issued with the condition that the firm shall submit the notarized /apostilled documents obtaining the same from the concerned authority after the resumption of normal services.

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