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INFOSAN Alert on Contamination of Brazil Nut By-products with Salmonella Sp

The FSSA has issued a notification on 1 September 2020, wherein it has cited that it has received an alert from the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) with regard to the contamination of Brazil nut by-products with Salmonella Anatum and Salmonella Thyphimurium. The details of the products are given below

1.Product: Brazil & sultana with peanuts and almonds

Brand: Eat Natural

Size: 35g bar, 4 x35g Multi pack, 50g Bar, 3x 50g Multi-pack, 12x 50g Counter pack 20x 50g Assorted Mix Pack

Best Before End Dates: Aug. 2020, Sept. 2020, Oct. 2020, Nov. 2020, Dec. 2020, Jan. 2021, Feb. 2021, Mar. 2021, Apr. 2021, May 2021 and Jun. 2021

2.Product: Natural Bar fruit & nut

Brand: HEMA

Size: 50g Bar, l6x50g shelf pack

Best Before End Dates: 31/08/2020, 30/11/2020, 28/02/2021, 31/03/2021

The mentioned above items have also been imported into India and have been distributed within India. Considering the health risk which may be posed by consumption of above-said products, due to contamination of Salmonella sp. The FSSAI has advised all State Food Authorities to take necessary actions, including complete recall of the product from the market.

FSSAI has further advised all consumers not to eat these products and return them, if purchased, to the store/shop from where they were purchased.

For ease of consumers, the pictorial representations of the implicated products are placed in the Annexure I of this notice.

Detailed notice can be read using the below link:


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